High School Staff Directory

Mr. Michael Adams

HS - Computer Specialist

Amanda Andrews

HS - Social Studies

Mr. Matthew Benson

HS - Supt. of Buildings and Grounds

Mrs. Kelsey Charbonneau

HS - Sign Language

Mr. Connor Clark

HS - GW/Cleaner

Mr. Joel Clark

HS - Custodian

Mrs. Blanche Coscomb

HS - Teacher Aide

Ms. Dawn Croniser

HS - Cook Manager

Ms. Joanna Dailey

Rubenzahl, Knudsen & Assoc

Mrs. Jamie Day

HS - Math

Ms. Alexandra DeJong

HS - Science

Mrs. Erin Dragan

HS - Office Specialist 1

Mr. David Egnew

HS - GW/Cleaner

Mr. David Ehrensbeck

HS - Social Studies

Mr. Christian Ernst

HS - GW/Cleaner

Mr. Michael Fauvelle

HS - History

Mrs. Courtney Foll

HS - ELA/English

Mr. Daniel Granato

HS - Technology

Mrs. Kathy Gunn


Mr. Gordon Hastwell

HS - Maintenance Mechanic

Ms. Melanie Hastwell

HS - Food Svs. Helper

Mr. Rob Hennessey

HS - Global 9

Ms. Fawn Henry

HS - Nurse

Mrs. Rebecca Houser

HS - Special Ed.

Ms. Karen Ingersoll

HS - Chemistry

Mrs. Jennifer Jedrich

HS - AIS/Resource

Ms. Briones-Hardy Jessica

Connected Comm. Schools -HS

Mrs. Catherine Jones

HS - GW/Cleaner

Ms. Crystal Leichty

HS - Teacher Aide

Mrs. Brittany Lewis

HS - Phys. Ed.

Ms. Jaqueline Mann

HS - Math

Ms. Terry Marolf

HS - Cook

Ms. Venice Martin

HS - Algebra/ MVCC Math

Mr. Theodore McCall

HS - Global 10/ History

Mrs. Kim Neary

HS - Office Specialist

Mrs. Heather Nunneker

HS - Vocal Music

Mr. Michael O'Donnell

HS - Interim Athletic Director

Mrs. Marianne O'Hara

HS - Food Svs. Helper

Mr. Ryan O'Neil

HS - Instrumental Music

Mr. Nicholas Palczak

HS - Physics

Mrs. Lisa Peters

HS - Library Aide

Mrs. Karen Philbrick

HS - Office Specialist Guidan

Mrs. Kimberly Pitcher

HS - Guidance Counselor

Mr. Philip Puleo

HS - Phys. Ed.

Mr. Daniel Roberts

HS - Secondary Asst. Principal

Mrs. Alicia Ross

HS - Principal

Mr. Bruce Rounds

HS - Custodian

Mr. Edward Ryder

HS - Custodian

Mr. Ira Smith

HS - Living Environment

Mrs. Shawn Southwick

HS - Food Svs. Helper

Mrs. Heather Sweeney

HS - Agriculture

Corrina Valdez-Bush

HS/MS - Rubenzahl & Knudsen and Assoc.

Mrs. Gail Waite

HS - Teacher Aide (Chinese)

Mr. Bryan Waterman

HS - School Counselor

Mr. Christopher Williams

HS - GW/Cleaner

Mr. Matthew Yoder

HS -Biology

Mr. Jeremy Youngs

HS - Special Education

Ms. Michelle Zeigler

HS - Library Media Spec.