High School Guidance Department

Mrs. Karen Philbrick
Office Specialist I-Guidance Office
315-942-9200 ext. 5520

Mr. Bryan Waterman
Students Last Name A-L
315-942-9200 ext. 5522

Mrs. Kimberly Pitcher
Students Last Name M-Z
315-942-9200 ext. 5523

Upcoming News and Events:

2024-2025 Course Catalog

Transcript Request Form (Updated, December 2023)

Pre-Licensing Course:

Adirondack High School will be offering a 5-hour pre-licensing course on Saturday, May 17, 2025 starting at 9:00 A.M. Cost of the course is $25. Checks may be made out to Adirondack Central School. You must bring your permit with you. Students can sign up in the Guidance Office. If you have any questions you can call 315-942-9200 ext. 5520. 

Scholarship Opportunities:

All scholarship opportunities for seniors will be posted in Google Classroom and on Parent Square when they come into the Guidance Office. Scholarships typically don't start coming in until after the first of the year. There are national scholarship opportunities that you can find online but please make sure it is a legitimate scholarship before you give out personal information. If you have any questions you can call the Guidance Office at 315-942-9200 ext. 5520.

SAT Update: