Information and Instructional Technology
Adirondack Central School District: 2022-2025 Instructional Technology Plan (Extended to 2026)
Information and Instructional Technology Department
Mr. Michael K. Faustino
Director of Technology, Curriculum and Instruction
315-942-9200 x 1840
Mrs. Wendy Foye
Data Protection Office x 1822
Our district’s data protection officer is responsible for the overall implementation of our data privacy and security program and communication with our district community with any necessary information in this space. One of our main objectives at Adirondack Central School District is to ensure the safety and security of our students’ personal information. Should you have any questions or concerns in this area, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or (315) 315-942-9200 x 1822.
Mr. Shane Youngs and Mr. Michael Adams
Computer Specialists
Data Privacy and Security
In order to conduct a successful education program, the Adriondack Central School District receives, creates, stores and transfers information about students, teachers and principals that is protected by state and federal law. The District takes active steps to protect the confidentiality of protected information in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. The District expects all District officers, employees and partners to maintain the confidentiality of protected information in accordance with state and federal law and all applicable Board Policies.
FERPA Notification to Parents (School & Community Newsletter/Calendar)
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Annual Notification to Parents:
The foundational federal law on the privacy of students’ educational records, FERPA, safeguards student privacy by limiting who may access student records, specifying for what purpose they may access those records, and detailing what rules they have to follow when accessing the data.
Adirondack Central School District is required to annually notify parents of their rights under FERPA; that information can be found in the FERPA Notification Policy. Under FERPA, the District may identify certain data elements as Directory Information, which may be disclosed without obtaining prior parental consent. Parents are provided with the opportunity to opt out of certain Directory Information disclosures by contacting the Adirondack Central School Distrtict's Director of Technology, Mr. Michael K. Faustino,, at 315-942-9200 x 1840.
Student Directory Infromation Policy:
Adirondack Central School District is required to annually notify parents of their rights under FERPA; that information can be found in the FERPA Notification Policy. Under FERPA, the District may identify certain data elements as Directory Information, which may be disclosed without obtaining prior parental consent. Parents are provided with the opportunity to opt-out of certain Directory Information disclosures by contacting the Adirondack Central School Distrtict's Director of Technology, Mr. Michael K. Faustino,, at 315-942-9200 x 1840.
Pursuant to Education Law section 2-d, BOCES and school districts are now required to publish, on their websites, a Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security and to include such information with every contract entered into with a third party contractor where the third party contractor receives student data or teacher or principal data.
A complete list of all student data elements collected by NYSED is available at and by writing to: Chief Privacy Officer, New York State Education Department, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234.
The Adirondack Central School District is dedicated to the protection of student data and to maintaining data security and privacy across the district. Any parent, eligible student (students who are at least 18 years of age or attending a postsecondary institution at any age), principal, teacher or employee of an educational agency may file a complaint. Complaints regarding student data breaches files with the school district shoud be directed to Mr. Michael K. Faustino, Director of Curriculum and Instuction & Technology, 110 Ford Street, Boonville, NY, 13309, and/or the New York State Chief Privacy Officer using this online form.
Education Law Section 2-d and 121.4 Information for parents when filing a complaint