Information and Instructional Technology

Adirondack Central School District: 2022-2025 Instructional Technology Plan (Extended to 2026)

Information and Instructional Technology Department

Mr. Michael K. Faustino
Director of Technology, Curriculum and Instruction
315-942-9200 x 1840

Mrs. Wendy Foye
Data Protection Office x 1822

Our district’s data protection officer is responsible for the overall implementation of our data privacy and security program and communication with our district community with any necessary information in this space. One of our main objectives at Adirondack Central School District is to ensure the safety and security of our students’ personal information. Should you have any questions or concerns in this area, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or (315) 315-942-9200 x 1822.

Mr. Shane Youngs and Mr. Michael Adams
Computer Specialists

Data Privacy and Security

In order to conduct a successful education program, the Adriondack Central School District receives, creates, stores and transfers information about students, teachers and principals that is protected by state and federal law. The District takes active steps to protect the confidentiality of protected information in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. The District expects all District officers, employees and partners to maintain the confidentiality of protected information in accordance with state and federal law and all applicable Board Policies.