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Adirondack Central School District to Appoint Next Superintendent

Adirondack Central School District to Appoint Next Superintendent

Adirondack Central School District to Appoint Next Superintendent

Kristy McGrath’s resignation was approved by the Adirondack Board of Education at the April
meeting. Mrs. McGrath has accepted a position to begin July 1st with the South Lewis Central
School District, as their District Curriculum and Data Coordinator. This is a position Kristy
previously held for six years, and which she resigned from in 2018 when her family moved out
of the area for a short time. In a communication to the district staff in late March, McGrath wrote,
“It is with sadness that I'm informing you that I will be resigning as Superintendent of Adirondack
at the end of June 2024. I love Adirondack, and I'm so proud of everything that we are all
accomplishing! This was a personal decision for me, to switch back to a position that doesn't
have the overwhelming responsibilities of a Superintendent. I have given my best to
Adirondack, and I will continue to do so for the next 3 months, and will even after I leave. I hope
you can understand my rationale for making this decision...it was truly a personal choice for
what I feel is right for me. Be proud of where Adk is at, and keep moving onward and upward!”

Since the Board of Education became aware of Mrs. McGrath’s departure, they met with
Jeff-Lew BOCES District Superintendent, Stephen Todd, to review possible options in finding a
successor, whether to do a large-scale search or pursue an internal candidate. Mr. Michael
Kramer, Board of Education President, is pleased to announce that the Board interviewed and
has offered Mrs. Heidi Smith, current Adirondack High School Principal, the position of
Superintendent. Mrs. Smith will be Board approved at the May 14th meeting, subject to the
agreement of her contract. Mr. Kramer stated, “Heidi has shown her commitment and loyalty to
the District with over 17 years at Adirondack. She has 33 total years of experience in education,
and roles she has served include: Coach, Math Teacher, GED Teacher, Middle School Dean of
Students, Assistant High School Principal, High School Principal, District Safety Coordinator,
Community Education Coordinator, and Title IX Officer. We are confident that Mrs. Smith will
continue the work that is underway, supporting the goals, mission, and vision of the Adirondack
Central School District.”

The District will be posting for an anticipated High School Principal in the coming days. Mrs.
Smith and Mrs. McGrath will work collaboratively over the next month and a half to ensure a
smooth transition. Mr. Kramer, on behalf of the Board, stated, “We are grateful for the 3 1⁄2 years
Kristy was at Adirondack. Many great things have been accomplished, and we know there is
more on the horizon. We wish Mrs. McGrath all the best in her next endeavor.”